Rabu, 21 Februari 2024


There are so many real estate projects in every country in the world! However, what makes housing in this real estate worth owning? Some people consider that owning real estate in developed countries is very profitable. If you don't want to live in it, it could be used as an investment for the future. However, have you ever thought carefully before deciding to buy a residence in real estate in a country? Like Singapore, a small country that is rapidly developing its economy and civilization in the Asian region. There are certainly several things to consider when owning residential real estate in this country. Here are things you can pay attention to!

  1. Leverage Points That Can Support Your Finances

Leverage makes your financial equity factor stable. This is because the interest rate is below the standard level, making it possible for you to buy a house with a decent and elegant design in real estate.

Another advantageous thing is purchasing at the right time, where the money you get will be more than normal purchases, you could also say extra payments over a period of several years.

  1. Stable Passive Income

Having a house in real estate doesn't mean you have to live in it. The house can be rented for residence, office, small-scale business, studio (for TVC shoots), and many other things of a commercial nature. Furthermore, you will not suspect that the rental income can offset the mortgage expenses. Indirectly, equity in investment will be built firmly.

  1. Tax-Free Capital Gains

As property prices rise, that's what happens to real estate. The pattern is a capital gain that occurs as real estate is sold or real estate prices increase within a year.

  1. Financial Increase In A Natural And Stable Process

People with fantastic amounts of wealth in Singapore are people who own a lot of real estate, or at least manage their finances by relying on profits from real estate. Can invest in or own a large amount of real estate. You can also create an appreciation for HDB ownership, and this is very attractive and has personal financial value.


Rooms Available For Rent

Tiong Bahru is truly iconic in Singapore. This place is surrounded by many cafes, indie boutiques, and even displays of specially made murals, so it has become a distinctive feature. It's not surprising that artists and art lovers always target this place. Local culture lovers also always contribute to this place. Initially, this area was central for housing, which was first created in Singapore around 1920. Art deco and retro building styles abound in this place. Therefore, the architectural conditions in this place become an identity, helping to build a sustainable charm in a residential and tourist context. In terms of architectural content, Tiong Bahru is a district that combines contemporary and traditional styles. Anyone who comes to this place can, of course, linger to enjoy the vintage coffee shop and lie down comfortably in the rooms that can be rented. Even though it seems old-style, this place is very dynamic in the eyes of urban people. That's why urban people almost fill most of this place.

Mobility In Tiong Bahru

It's so easy to access any place from Tiong Bahru, and vice versa. Tiong Bahru MRT Station is always ready to make your mobility a reality, starting from the east-west line and then connecting to the Central Business District. In Tiong Bahru, there are also large supermarkets, ideal shopping areas, and mouth-watering hawker centers. These places are close together, so you can make the most of the day. Tiong Bahru is also very friendly for people who enjoy cassettes and books, amidst today's sophisticated digital world. Good mobility in Tiong Bahru can make anyone want to spend the weekend in this place.

Comfort Room In Tiong Bahru

The dimensions of the space are quite spacious, making your movements not boring. Apart from that, standard facilities, such as existing furniture, also support the activities carried out during your stay. Don't forget the availability of the internet to be able to browse virtually and stay updated on social media. It doesn't matter if you want to work remotely, of course, it will make your working mood even more enthusiastic and give you lots of inspiration.


Real estate is an industry that is always in the spotlight, even though there have been obstacles in recent years, especially the economic downturn as a result of the pandemic. There are many factors that cause this to happen, including the stigma of society, which does not consider it important to own a house. In fact, the existence of a house is an important element of personal identity as well as the most comfortable place in everyday life.

On the other hand, investors always see real estate as something with great potential. Even for a few people, owning a house is a very valuable asset.

Significant Decrease In Ownership

Around the first quarter of 2019, the property industry entered the top 3, after culinary and automotive. In fact, it could be said that development is still within normal levels. However, COVID-19 has really drastically affected property development. According to the observations of property business observers, in 2020, the real estate business will fall by 70%. Of course, purchasing power is very low because people during the pandemic are more focused on health than on owning a residence.

Getting Through The Pandemic Period

The New Normal is said to be the revival of the real estate business, where the mindset for lifestyle changes is fairly spontaneous based on the reality that requires prioritizing healthy living. The growth of the real estate business is capable of reaching 2.68% in 2021. Investors and those interested in non-moving assets are starting to flock to home ownership.

It is not surprising that the real estate sector has increased by 3.24%, and property observers say that a lot of land will be prepared for real estate. In 2021, many people are interested in new normal housing, and this also makes architects work together to create their best work. A very popular architectural concept related to this is a house equipped with a special area that aims to sterilize the body after outdoor activities so that residents inside the house are not contaminated with viruses.

Is It Ideal To Own A Residence In Real Estate As An Investment Asset?

To help maintain financial stability, owning assets such as a house is an important right. The future is an unpredictable situation, so a person's readiness to anticipate financial conditions, which often fluctuate, is appropriate for owning a house. The house actually goes beyond its function as a place to live, further than that, the house is capable of being a business driver on a small scale.

As a capital gain, a house is an excellent object. There was a moment when land and building prices experienced an upward trend. When a situation occurs, your source of financial income can increase.

Home ownership in real estate is a good strategy to support loan collateral, where the reputation is very good and has a credible trust value.

A right step to help stabilize financial conditions, such as having assets in the form of home ownership in real estate, is to just make sure to buy them with long-term funds so that your financial condition remains on a safe track while also anticipating unexpected funds that arise in your daily activities.

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Apik dengan Walking Closet

koleksi pakaian dan aksesories yang bertumpuk terkadang membuat ‘pusing’ menyusunnya dilemari. Susunan pakaian dan aksesories yang semrawut menjadikan kita sulit untuk me ’manage’ berbagai koleksi pakaian dan aksesories.
Sudah saatnya anda memiliki walking closet, area storage dan berdandan yang berbatasan langsung dengan kamar mandi. Pakaian dan aksesories anda akan tertata rapi dan apik laiknya disebuah butik.

Tips Merencanakan Walking Closet
  • Rencanakan ruang yang bersebelahan dengan kamarmandi dan kamar tidur, yang dapat menampung lemari pakaian dan space  untuk dress-up (ruang untuk berpakaian).
  • Gunakan cabinet pakaian ‘customized build in’ sehingga ukuran dan skala display cabinet cocok dengan ruangan. Cabinet terdiri dari susunan rak, gantungan pakaian, dan susunan laci.
  • Gunakan Lampu-lampu downligt tanam pada ceiling dan cabinet yang akan mengekspos koleksi pakaian dan aksesories dengan tidak meyilaukan pandangan.
  • Kelompokkan pakaian dan aksesories menurut jenis nya,contohnya letakkan  kemeja dan jas digantungan, koleksi kaos yang dilipat di rak serta kaos kaki, saputangan dan aksesories  lainnya pada laci.
  • Pengelompokan pakaian dapat juga di tata berdasarkan warna. Misalnya koleksi pakaian putih tersusun rapi dalam satu frame display dan koleksi pakaian hitam pada frame display lainnya.
  • Letakkan barang-barang yang sifatnya  privasi pada laci, seperti koleksi perhiasan dan pakaian dalam.
  • Jangan lupa ‘less is more’ , sisihkan  koleksi pakaian yang sudah tidak anda sukai dan hampir tidak pernah digunakan dari  display cabinet, makin sedikit koleksi anda maka akan terlihat lebih rapi dan exclusive.
  • Ruang ‘Walking Closet’ yang  sempit gunakan palet warna-warna terang dan lembut agar terkesan lebih luas. (syahbuddin pulungan/telah diterbitkan di Majalah Hunianku edisi September, 2012)

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Kamar mandi Sehat & Stylist

Trend interior modern yang mengalami salah satu perubahan besar adalah interior kamar mandi. Trend kamar mandi sekarang ini, tidak ubahnya seperti kamar tidur mempunyai ukuran dan bukaan jendela yang besar. Keleluasaan ruang dan view keluar menjadikan kamar mandi nyaman laiknya di sebuah resort yang mewah.  Sudah saatnya anda menikmati moment ‘me time’ anda dengan memanjakan badan anda saat berbilas.Kamar mandi yang baik juga adalah kamar mandi yang sehat, yang mempertimbangkan aspek sanitasi dan sirkulasi udara. 

Tips Merencanakan Kamar Mandi : 
  • Desain lay out ruang kamar mandi dengan memisahkan area kering dan basah. Pisahkan area basah seperti shower dengan box shower atau tirai. Closet,bath up dan meja wastafel pada area kering.
  • Apabila kamar mandi anda mempunyai view yang bagus, tempatkan bath up dipinggir jendela agar anda bisa berendam sambil menikmati pemandangan keluar, anda bisa menambahkan vertical blind di jendela apabila privasi terganggu.

  • Gunakan warna putih dan aksen warna-warna natural pada kamar mandi agar berkesan lapang dan relax.
  • Gunakan marmer/ granit dengan warna natural pada dinding kamar mandi yang rentan terkena percikan air, seperti area shower, selebihnya pada area kering dinding cukup dengan finishing cat yang tahan lembab (oil base paint).
  • Apabila kamar mandi anda relatif sempit gunakan cat warna putih, kuning gading dan warna-warna ringan dan terang lainnya agar terkesan lapang.
  • Material  lantai, pada area basah sudah barang tentu menggunakan material keramik, marmer atau granit anti slip, agar mudah dibersihkan. Namun untuk area kering anda dapat bereksperimen dengan lantai parkit. (Syahbuddin Pulungan/telah diterbitkan oleh majalah Hunianku edisi September 2012

Tampil Berani dengan ''Open Kitchen''

Salah satu spirit berpikiran modern adalah, berani mencoba hal baru dan membuang paradigma lama yang tidak efisien. Beranikah anda dengan konsep dapur terbuka?

Dapur yang menyatu dengan ruang makan atau ruang keluarga ini biasa di sebut dengan Open Kitchen. Dapur yang selama ini ditutup-tutupi dan berada dibelakang (sering kali kotor dan tidak tertata), kini menjadi salah satu elemen interior yang paling penting dan sentral. konsep ini diyakini menjadikan interaksi antar anggota keluarga menjadi lebih intens dan terbuka. Semua anggota keluarga akan lebih menghargai  hasil masakan dari dapur karena mereka melihat langsung prosesnya. 

Tips merencanakan dapur terbuka :
  • Rencanakan bentuk meja dapur apakah berbentuk L shape, U shape dll, sesuaikan dengan space ruangan yang bersebelahan dengan ruang keluarga.
  • kitchen cabinet juga diperlukan untuk menyimpan berbagai keperluan memasak. Kitchen cabinet bisa mengikuti bentuk meja dapur.
  • Pastikan dapur dan  ruang sekitarnya mempunyai unsur benang merah desain, agar tercapai kontinuitas visual, dapat berupa warna kitchen cabinet yang senada dengan warna furniture di sekitarnya atau warna dinding material lantai dapur.
  • Pilih kitchen cabinet  dari material yang sifat ‘porositas’nya paling rendah seperti bahan HPL dan Acrylic agar mudah dibersihkan.
  • Hindari susut-sudut  berongga  dan tajam seperti area dibawah kompor  tanam dan pertemuan sudut-sudut meja dapur dengan dinding, usahakan agar sambungannya melengkung agar mudah dibersihkan.
  • Pastikan dapur mempunyai sirkulasi udara yang baik, dengan memasang exos fan agar bau masakan tidak menyebar keruang lain. Dan hindari dapur yang lembab dengan membuat jendela agar  lebih sehat. (Oleh : Syahbuddin Pulungan / Telah diterbitkan di majalah hunianku edisi September 2012) 

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012


Aplikasi built in cabinet sangat sesuai  untuk spirit rumah modern yang fungsional tetapi tetap stylist. Built in cabinet  menjadikan ruangan terasa lapang dan compact, karena desain dan bidangnya terintegrasi dengan ruangan.
Aplikasi built in cabinet ini membutuhkan perencanaan yang matang dan ketelitian dari aplikator  (tukang), karena sifatnya yang customed design dan menyatu dengan ruangan. Pengukuran  yang cermat pada  bidang dinding  yang akan dijadikan panel cabinet sangat diperlukan.
Bentuk-bentuk dari built in cabinet ini bisa berupa rak, lemari, laci yang dapat dikombinasikan. Aplikasinya dapat menjadi panel televisi, rak buku, storage, lemari wardrobe dll.
Yang menarik dari furniture built in ini adalah ekslusifnya  , karena setiap desain berbeda,  sesuai dengan ukuran ruangan dan kebutuhannya.

Tips merencanakan Built in Cabinet :
  • Tentukan bidang dinding yang akan dijadikan panel cabinet. Manfaatkan cerukan bidang antar kolom agar lebih efisien.
  • Dimensi cabinet harus diukur dengan cermat agar sesuai dengan dimensi ruang. Kesalahan pengukuran akan membuat cabinet anda tidak bisa dipasang pada ruangan.
  • Tentukan desain sesuai dengan kebutuhan, misalnya untuk penyimpanan sepatu, sesuaikan tinggi dan lebar grid rak cabinet agar lebih efisien.
  • Pilih finishing yang sesuai dengan tema ruangan, sesuaikan warna dan tekstur dengan furniture disekitarnya. Ada banyak jenis pilihan untuk finishing Cabinet antara lain ; HPL , Tacon dengan beraneka motif dan tekstur  atau triplex bermotif kayu di finishing melamine.
  • Ingin tampilan clean dan terkesan bagian dari dinding? beri warna yang sama dengan dinding, handle ditiadakan, cukup dengan sistem tekan dan buka.
  •  atau ingin menjadikannya aksen ruangan pilih warna yang senada dengan furniture lainnya, sehingga kontras dengan bidang dinding.