Rabu, 21 Februari 2024


There are so many real estate projects in every country in the world! However, what makes housing in this real estate worth owning? Some people consider that owning real estate in developed countries is very profitable. If you don't want to live in it, it could be used as an investment for the future. However, have you ever thought carefully before deciding to buy a residence in real estate in a country? Like Singapore, a small country that is rapidly developing its economy and civilization in the Asian region. There are certainly several things to consider when owning residential real estate in this country. Here are things you can pay attention to!

  1. Leverage Points That Can Support Your Finances

Leverage makes your financial equity factor stable. This is because the interest rate is below the standard level, making it possible for you to buy a house with a decent and elegant design in real estate.

Another advantageous thing is purchasing at the right time, where the money you get will be more than normal purchases, you could also say extra payments over a period of several years.

  1. Stable Passive Income

Having a house in real estate doesn't mean you have to live in it. The house can be rented for residence, office, small-scale business, studio (for TVC shoots), and many other things of a commercial nature. Furthermore, you will not suspect that the rental income can offset the mortgage expenses. Indirectly, equity in investment will be built firmly.

  1. Tax-Free Capital Gains

As property prices rise, that's what happens to real estate. The pattern is a capital gain that occurs as real estate is sold or real estate prices increase within a year.

  1. Financial Increase In A Natural And Stable Process

People with fantastic amounts of wealth in Singapore are people who own a lot of real estate, or at least manage their finances by relying on profits from real estate. Can invest in or own a large amount of real estate. You can also create an appreciation for HDB ownership, and this is very attractive and has personal financial value.

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